

Quality is our number one priority. Therefore, we strive to produce and deliver products that comply with our customer’s wishes and needs. These products shall be delivered with the right quality, at the right time, and in the right quantity.

Quality management, with active participation and support from management and employees, is the key to ensuring product quality and services.

The company has set up a certified quality management system that complies with Icelandic and EU-legislation for food and medicine. The quality management system is continually revised and improved. That way product quality is constantly being improved, thus assuring better customer service.


LYSI maintains the following quality certifications

FSSC 22000

An internationally accepted food safety management standard based on ISO 22000 and recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).


A standard designed to minimize risks in pharmaceutical production that medicine manufacturer must meet in their production processes.


A guarantee that products meet the requirements of Islamic law and are therefore suitable for consumption for the Muslim population.

AOCS Approved Chemist

Lab proficiency programs managed by the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS).